April meeting with a potluck and silent auction!
Our meeting on Friday April 12th will feature a talk by Carlos Garcia-Robledo. We will also hold the election of the board for the next year, and our annual potluck dinner and silent auction. Details are below.
Location: Donald F. Jones Auditorium Connecticut Agriculture Experiment Station 123 Huntington Street, New Haven CT 06511
6:30 pm dinner and silent auction
Dinner is a potluck, please bring food to share!
Also, bring entomological items you would like to donate for the silent auction and cash or a checkbook to purchase items. All proceeds benefit the society.

7:30 pm presentation
Speaker: Carlos Garcia-Robledo
Title: Global Warming, Coextinctions and the Colonization of Novel Environments by Insect Herbivores
This talk will explore ecological and evolutionary consequences of global change on plant-arthropod interactions. To address this fascinating topic, this talk will combine evidence from field and laboratory experiments with biodemography, quantitative genetics, molecular biology and insect physiology to understand how arthropods adapt to novel environments, for example, novel host plants or projected global warming.